
Download any embedded Wistia videos for FREE

Hello Friends, Welcome to my blog w3raja. On my website each day I will share exciting posts about web development and digital marketing tips. Today I am going to teach about How to download any paid videos like wisita.

Follow the below complicated manual steps to download the video without software help.

That’s the right question. Most of the students have poor-quality internet connection so they can’t able to access the educational and tutorial videos. It’s a really good idea to download your videos offline.

Online course providers like udemy. Lynda, skillshare, udacity, and Edureka provide content to access in offline mode but few other content-based learning platforms don’t offer a good way to access the videos offline. So that students are facing some video accessing problems while there is no internet on their mobile/laptop devices.

How W3Raja can help you to download your paid tutorial video?

A few days before, I joined one online course. I can able to access all those videos in their course list but I can’t able to watch it as offline. so I searched google to get some ideas about how to download some paid course material videos offline.

My course provider uses some third-party video providers to stream their videos. In my case, my course provider uses WISTIA to stream videos. WISTIA videos are embedded on paid subscription site. there is no download option to download the particular video. 

Steps to download any embedded Wistia videos for FREE

Note: I posted this trick for educational purposes only please don’t download any copyrighted video. This method works 100%. use this method and access your videos offline. Happy coding!

If you have any queries or doubts means post it on the below comment. Thanks for reading

Final Summary to download wistia video

Steps to download any embedded Wistia videos for FREE

  1. Go to the video embedded page and right-click on it

  2. Open your text editor

    copy the value of the code ie aj9zp87u2p  

  3. Now attach the code with some more text like this


  4. Now go to https://getvideo.at/en/ and paste the link

    That’s all!. You download the wistia video

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