Digital Marketing Guide

Digital Marketing is the process of selling something online. A digital marketer must be a good story teller and have skill to get customers to their websites via internet. Digital Marketing also involves some analytics like total number of clicks, total number of sales, ROI (return of investment), ads budget and more. Google analytics, Google Search console, Google Tag manager are some of basic tools used in modern digital marketing field.

Different Channels of Digital Marketing

                DM (digital marketing) can be classified into the following concepts. Each concept has different way of methods and process. A good Digital Marketer must have hands on experience on each listed concept.

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Optimization
  • Viral Content Marketing
  • Google adwords/ppc advertising
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing

Search Engine Optimization:

                SEO helps to rank webpages on Google search results. Google have its own algorithms to scan your entire webpages and rank them in search result page. Your website must have Good SEO score to rank well on first page. If your website comes on first place means your website PAGE RANK is 1. Or if your website comes on first page with third row means your PAGE RANK is 2. Getting the Page Rank 1 is very hard.

                SEO can be classified into two types.

  1. Onsite SEO
  2. Offsite SEO

Onsite SEO is the process of modifying your website content Like

  • Adding heading tags,
  • Adding image attributes,
  • Adding bold letters to high light the keyword,
  • Writing content more than 1000 words,
  • Website speed optimization,
  • Mnifying css and js
  • Adding Meta tags
  • Adding Meta description

Offsite SEO is the process of getting links to your website. You can get links by social media shares, bookmarking websites, article sharing websites and writing Guest blogs. Getting quality back link is very hard. Some websites like fiverr selling backlinks but this may penalize your website.

Social Media Optimization:

                Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest are trending social media networks in the world. User must need to create separate pages and social media account on all these platforms. Hashtags are trending day by day. Peoples are more engaged in facebook and twitter they are emotionally share some pics and posts. Users in facebook group selling the e-commerce products and services.
                Facebook ads are cheap and have high conversions. Its very easy to publish ads on social media sites. Now a days, job seekers are looking jobs on LinkedIn pages. Designs and beautiful pictures are shared on Instagram. Woman are more engaged in pinterest. Most brilliant questions are asked on quora. And so on.

                Social media is different from Google AdWords. A digital marketer must know about social media automation and social media engagements.